Did you know?

The survival rate for female invasive breast cancer patients has improved from 75 percent in the mid-1970s to 90 percent today? This means there are ALOT more survivors living with lifestyle changes from surgery and treatments.

We are a local Non-Profit 501(c) 3 organization raising funds to assist individual Breast Cancer Survivors with financial assistance for out of pocket expenses such as co-pays, and deductibles.

In addition, there is the expense of uncovered DME (Durable Medical Equipment) such as mastectomy bras, after reconstruction surgery bras, prosthesis, and lymphedema compression sleeves to name a few.

We greatly appreciate any donation; our mission would not be complete without the help of our sponsors and donors.

Donate To Our Survivors

We appreciate and accept all monetary donations. We also accept non-monetary donations that benefit the Survivors of Ta Ta Rebels. Other non-monetary donations, may be accepted as raffle prizes, awards, etc. for events organized by Ta Ta Rebels, Inc.

Make a Paypal Donation

Cash Disbursement

Are you a Breast Cancer Survivor, that needs help with the burden of out-of-pocket expenses? Download and fill out the form below and send it back to us. We would love to help!

Go To Disbursement Form

  1. Breast Cancer Survivors must be residents of Pennsylvania.
  2. The fund will cover out of pocket expenses up to $250.00 per person during our fiscal year (July 1-June 30)
  3. An invoice/receipt/EOB must be provided with the request
  4. The Board of Officers will review requests sent for larger amounts.
  5. Individuals may contact the fund for assistance via email or phone

Disbursement Disqualifications

We do not reimburse for the following expenses:

  • Surgery
  • Oncology
  • Radiation
  • Medicine/Supplements
  • Household expenses- rent, heating or utilities
  • Car payments

Scar Tissue Release Program Disbursement

Get 3 sessions of Breast Cancer Scar Tissue Release from Melodie Aldinolfi (LMT) at a reduced rate, and paid for by Ta Ta Rebels, Inc. Download, fill out and mail the form to tatarebels247@gmail.com or Ta Ta Rebels, Inc. 2440 River Rd. Bainbridge, PA 17502.

For more information visit this page: Scar Tissue Request

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