We are pleased to announce a medical massage therapy program for Breast Cancer survivors. We are working with Melodie Adinolfi, a licensed medical massage therapist.
Before my sessions with Melodie, I had loss of range of motion and reduced mobility. This was not due to my Lymphedema diagnosis. After my first session, I was able to raise my right arm higher than my shoulder. This was the first time in three years that I could use both hands to wash my hair.
The organization will cover the cost up to three (3) sessions for the Post-Surgical Scar Tissues Release therapy. In addition, this massage can change the scar and encourage free movement with fewer restrictions. It is exciting to offer this service to survivors to help them continue a healthy lifestyle. Many survivors are in need of this therapy. Most insurance companies do not consider this a medical necessity and will not cover the expense.
Please complete the application form below.
Digitally Fill Out The Form
- You can fill this form out in most web browsers (Adobe Acrobat Reader or another PDF viewer may need to be installed).
- Click Print to Save your filled out PDF to your computer.
- Email your form to tatarebels247@gmail.com.
Download The Form
- Click the form link above
- In the upper right hand corner, is a download icon
- Download, print and fill out the form.
- Send us an image or scanned copy of the form. Make sure it is legible.
Guidelines for Disbursement
- This fund will cover out up to three(3) sessions per person during our fiscal yeal (July 1 – June 30)
- All request must be approved before making the first appointment.
- Individuals may contact the fund for assistance via email or phone
- Request MUST be for Scar Tissue Release Therapy
- Please submit completed form and copies of invoice/receipt/EOB to tatarebels247@gmail.com; or mail to:
Ta Ta Rebels Inc
2440 River Rd
Bainbridge, PA 17502